
This extension provides a number of configuration values that can be tweaked. However, the default configuration should contain everything to get you up and running, and will usually require only a few modifications, if any, to match personal preferences.

Configuration Values


Whether this extension should be enabled or not.


A local path or URL pointing to an OPML syndication feed to use as the root for browsing the Podcasts directory in Mopidy. Relative paths refer to files in the extension’s configuration directory [1].

For example, this will point the Podcasts directory to a collection of all the BBC Radio and Music feeds:

browse_root =

The default value is Podcasts.opml, so simply exporting your subscribed feeds from your favorite podcast client under this name and dropping the file in Mopidy-Podcast’s configuration directory is usually all you need to do.

If set to an empty string, the Podcasts directory will be hidden when browsing Mopidy.


Whether to sort podcast episodes by ascending (asc) or descending (desc) publication date for browsing.


Whether to sort podcast episodes by ascending (asc) or descending (desc) publication date for lookup, for example when adding a podcast to Mopidy’s tracklist.


The maximum number of podcast feeds that will be cached in memory.


The cache’s time to live, i.e. the number of seconds after which a cached feed expires and needs to be reloaded.


The HTTP request timeout when retrieving podcast feeds, in seconds.

Default Configuration

For reference, this is the default configuration shipped with Mopidy-Podcast release 2.0.2:

enabled = true

# optional path or URL to an OPML file used as the root for browsing;
# relative paths will be resolved according to the extension's
# configuration directory
browse_root = Podcasts.opml

# sort podcast episodes by ascending (asc) or descending (desc)
# publication date for browsing
browse_order = desc

# sort podcast episodes by ascending (asc) or descending (desc)
# publication date for lookup, e.g. when adding a podcast to Mopidy's
# tracklist
lookup_order = asc

# maximum number of podcast feeds to cache in memory
cache_size = 64

# cache time-to-live in seconds
cache_ttl = 86400

# HTTP request timeout in seconds
timeout = 10


[1]When running Mopidy as a regular user, this will usually be ~/.config/mopidy/podcast. When running as a system service, this should be /etc/mopidy/podcast. Note that it may be necessary to create these directories manually when installing the Python package from PyPi, depending on local file permissions.